Je suis rentré d’Haïti samedi soir – en effet, ça a été un temps remarquable et, je l’espère, une contribution utile dans la réponse globale au séisme dévastateur du 12 janvier dernier. Le nouveau point de mire pour nous, étant donné nos liens avec le Plateau tibétain, est le tremblement de terre dans la préfecture de Yushu dans le sud de la province de Qinghai, la région où Plateau Perspectives est à l’œuvre depuis plus de 10 ans. (Docteure) Marion dirige et organise des équipes de professionnels de santé allant à Jiegu (ville de Yushu) et Marc (basé à Xining) semble être le porte-parole pour certains des médias internationaux, par ex.:,8599,1982170,00.html . De plus, Plateau Perspectives a construit un nouveau site web afin d’informer sur la situation courante: Si on s’intéresse à aider les gens sinistrés par le séisme de Yushu, on peut donner via le site web suivant :
I arrived home from Haiti on Saturday night – it has been a remarkable and, hopefully, helpful and useful time of response to the January 12th earthquake in that devastated country. The new focus for us, given our connection with the Tibetan Plateau, is the earthquake in Yushu Prefecture in southern Qinghai province where Plateau Perspectives has been working for over ten years. (Dr) Marion has been organizing and directing the medical teams going to Jiegu (or Yushu town) and Marc (based in Xining) has become a spokesperson for international media coverage. For example, you might like to read the Time mag. article at:,8599,1982170,00.html. Plateau Perspectives has put up a special website: can view footage there (under April 16) of the devastated area (97 % of Jiegu has been flattened). If you are interested in helping victims of the Yushu earthquake, you can give on line via Plateau Perspectives at the following website: .
I arrived home from Haiti on Saturday night – it has been a remarkable and, hopefully, helpful and useful time of response to the January 12th earthquake in that devastated country. The new focus for us, given our connection with the Tibetan Plateau, is the earthquake in Yushu Prefecture in southern Qinghai province where Plateau Perspectives has been working for over ten years. (Dr) Marion has been organizing and directing the medical teams going to Jiegu (or Yushu town) and Marc (based in Xining) has become a spokesperson for international media coverage. For example, you might like to read the Time mag. article at:,8599,1982170,00.html. Plateau Perspectives has put up a special website: can view footage there (under April 16) of the devastated area (97 % of Jiegu has been flattened). If you are interested in helping victims of the Yushu earthquake, you can give on line via Plateau Perspectives at the following website: .